Adopt Your Spot NYC
Keeping It Clean!
We've met a lot of New Yorkers who tell us that they’ve been cleaning up special spots in their neighborhood. Sometimes it’s the sidewalk on one side of a block, a few tree beds nearby or the catch basin on their corner.
These New Yorkers are true heroes.
They are committed to creating a better, cleaner and healthier NYC for all of us, and they go above and beyond to achieve this.
So we came up with the idea for Adopt Your Spot NYC - to acknowledge these champions and help create NEW ones! We provide tools and supplies to get started and host a robust WhatsApp community to connect Adopters and share ideas and inspirations!
(Para obtener información en español, haz clic aquí.)
Watch on News12: Adopters and Sanitation Foundation staff clean up their spots and discuss Adopt Your Spot NYC.
How It Works
Adopt your Spot NYC is a program for New Yorkers who want to step up to take care of a “spot” that’s especially dear to them. The side of the block you live on, the tree bed in front of your building, that corner of the park you always go to…wherever it is, it’s yours to claim!
Once you’ve selected your spot, we ask that you pledge to maintain it whenever you can by keeping it free from litter over the course of one year. It may take just a few minutes every week or every other week, depending on the space you’ve chosen.
The program is meant to fit into your daily or weekly routine - whether that’s on a walk with your dog or on your way to or from the store/gym/work. You decide what works best for you and your lifestyle.
To support your efforts:
We will provide you with a starter kit of tools and supplies.
You’ll become part of our “Insiders” WhatsApp online community where you can connect with other like-minded New Yorkers and share ideas, support and words of praise.
Plus, you’ll be invited to a live event each year with leaders in the world of Sanitation and waste management in NYC.