Sanitation Foundation Volunteer Hub
Your go-to destination for citywide volunteer cleanup opportunities.
ReFashion Week: Runway Show
Join us for our finale event: the ReFashion Runway Show, featuring drag performances and DJing by Heron Preston. At this exciting virtual event, our seven sustainable stylists will showcase thrifted looks sourced from donateNYC's local partners.
Zero Waste Fashion: A ReFashion Week Event
Every year, to raise awareness about textile waste and provide fashionable solutions, The New York City Department of Sanitation’s donateNYC program hosts ReFashion Week. This month's workshop is about all things fashion and beauty!
ReFashion Week NYC 2021
DonateNYC and the Sanitation Foundation present ReFashion Week NYC—celebrating secondhand and sustainable fashion in New York City, through a series of events designed to challenge your style and ReFashion your world!
ReFashion Week: Kickoff Event
Join us at our kickoff event for the week — an interactive 3D marketplace that mimics an expo-style event. The marketplace will be bookended by two expert panel discussions: "Sustainable Fashion in the Time of COVID" and "Dreams of a Zero Waste Tomorrow.
ReFashion Week: Virtual Auction
Explore the best of our partner brands' sustainable styles and help us raise money to fight textile waste in NYC through our virtual auction. All sizes and price ranges available!